
Camping for Newbies

Episode 17

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Have you ever wanted to start camping, but just don’t even know where to begin? This episode is all about camping for beginners! Audrey joined with my husband, Richie, and we are talking through the ins and outs, the dos and don’ts of camping! We begin the episode sharing some of our favorite memories from camping as kids. Richie always loved his family trips to Priest Lake in Northern Idaho, while I have vivid memories of camping on the Buffalo River, a National River in Arkansas.

We also discuss the different types of camping. There are so many different ways to get outside and camp. You could reserve a spot in advance at a campground and simply pitch a tent at your designated spot. You could also get off the beaten path and do some dispersed camping on BLM or National Forest land. One of Richie’s favorite ways to camp is camping by boat. Whether you’re using a canoe, motorboat, raft, or kayak, boat camping gives you a unique way to get away. One of my favorite ways to camp is by backpacking. Backpacking gets you further off the beaten path and away from motorized vehicles. On the other end of the camping spectrum, we have RV or camper camping. Bringing what you need- and then some- is what makes camper camping so much fun! In this episode of Outdoorsy Families, we’ll be discussing car camping in a tent.

We go into detail about tents, cooking systems, and sleeping systems. We also talk all about keeping a clean camp. This episode is filled with tips and tricks, but also mistakes we’ve made while camping that you should avoid! (Like always forgetting the condiments…)

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