Exploring with a large family with Amelia Mayer
I am so excited to share my conversation with Amelia Mayer today. Amelia is the mom behind the website Tales of a Mountain Mama. I discovered her website back in 2017 when my son was just a newborn. I discovered her page when I was looking for information on some outdoor baby gear. She gives thorough, honest reviews of all sorts of outdoor gear for families. After finding her website, I also began following along with her family’s adventures in Jackson, WY on Instagram. She was one of the first outdoorsy mom accounts that I started following!
Amelia is a mom to five kids. She manages to get everyone out the door and explore in all seasons, each day. During our talk, she discussed strategies she uses to make this go more smoothly (getting help from older siblings!). She also shared how she manages different skill levels on their adventures. One of her favorite tips is to use walkie talkies to give independence to older kids.
We also discussed Amelia’s newest book, Camping with Kids Cookbook. Amelia has published 4 books now, including 2 cookbooks. Her recent cookbook is filled with simple recipes that everyone in the family will enjoy around the campfire! It also discusses the basics of camping with kids and includes thoughtful tips, such as how to properly pack your cooler.
Link to Tales of a Mountain Mama: https://talesofamountainmama.com/
Link to Amelia’s books: https://mountainmamashop.com/
Link to Amelia’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mtnmamatales/